
Dandelions, dandelions and more dandelions! You can spray them; using approved chemicals, dig them out or create your own spray with directions gleaned on the internet. The yellow, happy heads sway in the breeze and taunt the fussy gardener. Their DNA allows them to duck when the lawn mower approaches. It is an ongoing battle between gardener and weed. Driving around a sub-division pristine, green lawns are bordered with bright yellow lawns. The homeowner with the dandelion populated lawn may choose to leave them undisturbed for various reasons. A lack of time in their busy days does not allow them to dig out the numerous weeds. They may not want to use any chemicals regardless of being approved by government rules; or they may simply lean towards the natural look.

It does not seem to matter the weather for these yellow demons to survive.  Dry, wet, hot or cold they thrive.  They pop up in sprawling lawns, fields, ditches, between the cracks of walkways and slip through fences.  These characteristics would be wonderful for food crops to develop.


On the positive side dandelion greens can be used in a healthy salad or steamed to accompany a meal. Add wild leaks to the salad with an oil and vinegar dressing and you have a natural tasty treat. Speaking of wild leaks, my mother would ban us from the house when we returned from foraging the woods for them and having eaten a few on the way home. If you have not had the pleasure, wild leaks cause very pungent breathe but are so yummy.

Check on the internet for a recipe to make your own dandelion wine. I have never had the pleasure but some folks love this beverage.

Bottom line, dandelions are here to stay. They can be limited or embraced. Your choice.



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